دراسة نظامية ودورات تدريبية قصيرة.
تأسس المعهد في مارس عام 2022 والهدف هو إعداد وتأهيل كوادر مؤهلة بأحدث الخبرات والتقنيات الفنية والمهنية ليكونوا رافد لسوق العمل في جزيرة سقطرى
Discover your future with us
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include …
Discover your future with us
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include …
نبذة عن المعهد
هو مؤسسة تدريبية فنية أهلية يدرس ويدرب الطلاب والطالبات فيها لعدد من التخصصات ذات الطابع الفني التدريبي لتلبية احتياجات سوق …
Everest Base Camp Trek
Everest Base Camp is either of two base camps on opposite sides of Mount Everest (It could also be any …
Everest Base Camp Trek
Everest Base Camp is either of two base camps on opposite sides of Mount Everest (It could also be any …
Everest Base Camp Trek
Everest Base Camp is either of two base camps on opposite sides of Mount Everest (It could also be any …
Everest Base Camp Trek
Everest Base Camp is either of two base camps on opposite sides of Mount Everest (It could also be any …
Harry Superbrain
The Education Here is Amazing. Professor are very helpful .Thank you for my degree. I use it for several of …